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The Pupil’s Book comes with the Activity Book combined in the same book. It also includes fun games to recycle and integrate the language taught, stickers (in Levels A & B) and cut-out flashcards and activities (in all levels). All levels include at the back a reading supplement with activities – Reading Buddy (in Levels A & B), Diamond Quest (in Levels 1 & 2) and Read for Fun (in Levels 3 & 4). The Pupil’s Book brings a code to access the App.


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HOP INTO ENGLISH A 2/ED.- SB + WB $21.500,00
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Medios de envío

  • Libreria Santa Inés Independencia 4647, Villa Ballester San Martin - Atencion lunes a viernes de 9 a 13.30 y de 16 a 19hs y sábados de 9.30 a 13.30 y 16.30 a 19hs.- Muchas Gracias

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The Pupil’s Book comes with the Activity Book combined in the same book. It also includes fun games to recycle and integrate the language taught, stickers (in Levels A & B) and cut-out flashcards and activities (in all levels). All levels include at the back a reading supplement with activities – Reading Buddy (in Levels A & B), Diamond Quest (in Levels 1 & 2) and Read for Fun (in Levels 3 & 4). The Pupil’s Book brings a code to access the App.